Beautiful Engagement Photography |Cayman Islands

Beautiful Engagement Photography |Cayman Islands

Beautiful Engagement Photography |Cayman Islands

Peta-Gaye is from Jamaica and Brendan is from Canada. They met in Grand Cayman, and thats where their love story begins. I had the honor of getting to know this sweet couple over shooting this beautiful engagement session with the two of them. When I am photographing couples who are as much in love as they are, my job is so effortless!  I am just capturing what is plainly standing right in front me,  which is their genuine happiness.

Peta-Gaye wanted their engagement photos to have an island feel and look about them. We chose West Bay dock for their location for several reasons. I love shooting at WestBay dock, it is one of my favorite locations, and for them, I knew it would be perfect because there is so much around this one area that really gives you that local vibe, and is just gorgeous in photos! You have the dock and the beach right there, and some local buildings with those pretty Caribbean colors!  I’m so happy for them, and excited too for them to begin their beautiful adventures in life together. What an honor it was for me to be part of  this…

Thank you Peta-Gaye & Brendan
